Situatie exercitii restante Voiculescu
Atasez un link catre un document Google Sheets care va arata situatia temelor restante pentru fiecare.
Atasez un link catre un document Google Sheets care va arata situatia temelor restante pentru fiecare.
Additional material for laboratories
Lab2 – Introduction to classes and objects
Lab3 – Classes and Objects (cont.). Copy constructors. Friend functions.
Lab4- Copy Constructors (cont.) . Destructors. Functions with object argument and object references.
Lab5 – Copy Constructors (cont.). Destructors (cont). Simple inheritance.
Lab6 – Multiple inheritance. Polymorphism.
Lab7 – final verification
Beginner students in programming, you can sharpen your skill using [1] sheet of problems.
Advanced students, you can improve your skills by looking into the prior (year 3) competence exam problems in [2] and trying to program them. Note the wording and strictness involved in what to read/write into the console for each problem (in order to pass moodle’s tests). This is a good thing to consider doing prior to next year as well (since you will have to take the programming compentence exam yourselves).
For final lab verification you will receive a problem, similar to the template below.
Implement class X.
It has attributes Y , Z.
And a method that returns (operation).
Read from keyboard (values).
Display (results).
Note: for OOP lab verification we will provide necessary accompanying formulas to solve the problem.
If Moodle is functional (during your final lab) you will need to program it in Moodle’s VPL and pass the series of tests. Otherwise we use DevC++.
The problem is to be solved in 30min-45 min.
After this you will be asked to leave the lab, and enter 1 by 1 back, for a discussion on your program and (if necessary) additional assignments/tasks.
Sisteme cu microprocesoare - scurta prezentare Sistemele embedded, numite in literatura de specialitate si sisteme dedicate sau inglobate, sunt sisteme de calcul ce efectueaza o sarcina specificva sau indeplinesc o anumita functie si nu pot...
Rezultate laborator MN (complete pentru laboratorul 2016-2017): mn.rez.lab.voiculescu